world heritage sites

world heritage sites

World Heritage Sites – 4 of the Most Popular in the World

Over the course of centuries or even millennia, many of the world’s most amazing historical sites were lost or hidden from view beneath jungles, desolate areas, or farmer’s fields. However, humans have also been fascinated with the past and through the years efforts have been made to unravel what was once lost.  This has led to incredible discoveries that are now on display for the world to see with many of these fantastic historical locations being dubbed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

While all of these designated historical landmarks are impressive, some stand out more than others and you should definitely make these locations a priority when visiting these countries. 

Pyramids of Giza in Egypt

Just outside Cairo are the world-famous Pyramids of Giza, which rise majestically from the arid desert landscape. Standing watch nearby, the Sphinx, staring out over the land, is almost as impressive. The largest of the pyramids, which were built between 2560 and 2540 BC, served as tombs for the Egyptian pharaohs. It’s an incredible sight, one that you should definitely see with your own eyes, especially considering how long ago these impressive structures were built. 

Roman Colosseum in Italy 

The Roman Colosseum, one of the world’s most recognizable structures, is the largest standing structure that remains of the once-great empire. Its imposing presence in the heart of modern Rome is a testament to the city’s incredible history and culture. Gazing upon this mighty construct for the first is sure to take you aback with its massive size. Even today, the Roman Colosseum remains one of the most popular World Heritage Sites. 

world heritage sites
Lascaux and Lascaux II in France

Located in the Dordogne region of France, the Lascaux Cave is home to some of the world’s finest Paleolithic cave paintings, ancient paintings from more than 17,000 years ago which depict animals that researchers believe lived in the area at the time. It will allow you to take a fascinating look into a world that once was and it’s easy to see why Lascaux is counted among UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites. 

The paintings were first discovered in 1940, but a replica was built 200 meters away at a different site known as Lascaux II to guard against damage to the original site. Lascaux II was built with meticulous attention to detail in order to create an accurate replica of the original cave and its paintings.

Easter Island 

A Chilean island located in the South Pacific Ocean, Easter Island is home to the enormous Moai statues that dot the landscape. Hundreds of Moais were built around the island by the Rapa Nui people, who lived there from the 12th century onwards.

Other than being partially toppled or standing upright, some are on stone platforms called ahu and many are still at the quarry where they were made. Each carving is one of a kind, and they range in size from a meter to 20 meters. These statues are quite a sight to see and they’re also all uniquely craved and thought to each symbolize an ancestor. 

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