French Cuisine – 4 Must-Try Dishes
French cuisine is famous around the world for its elegance and flavour, relying on simple combinations of natural, rich flavours that went put together come put to be a sum greater than its parts. French cuisine is so highly regarded
The Eiffel Tower – 5 Fascinating Facts
The Eiffel Tower stands as one of the most famous tourist destinations in the world with millions of people making a trip to Paris each year to see it. But, as they say, context makes a difference, so knowing some
The Louvre Museum – Exhibits You Need to Check Out
The Louvre Museum holds some of the finest art ever conceived in the western world with some of history’s most revered pieces of art, such as the Mona Lisa and Vénus de Milo, being on display here. The Louvre, which
4 of the Most Popular Tourist Attractions in the World
The world is an incredibly vast place, there’s so much wonder and beauty spread across this massive area, both man-made and natural, that’s it’s pretty much impossible to see it all. Yet, some places are able to call people back